Thursday, January 1, 2009

A Timely Word and An Unabandoned People - Psalm 94

“Blessed is the man whom Thou dost chasten, O LORD,
and dost teach out of Thy law;
that Thou mayest grant him relief
from the days of adversity,
until a pit is dug for the wicked.
For the LORD will not abandon His people,
nor will He forsake His inheritance.” (vs 12-14)

I am truly moved to tears this morning! How kind is this God of mine who is a Father to the fatherless! The end of 2008 was hard, very hard. Only a few weeks ago I found myself being disowned for the second time in under four years by my Mom and Dad. It has not been an easy thing (<---understatement) and my heart has been greatly grieved. In the providence of the Almighty, Psalm 94 is the first passage of God’s Word that I come to for 2009. Wow! What a timely comfort! Who but Providence could plan that I would be here this day! "Like apples of gold in settings of silver is a word spoken in right circumstances." (Prov. 25:11)

Verse 12 begins with an acknowledgement that the LORD's chastening is a blessing. I must admit, I have been chastened in my life many times and I have been taught out of God’s law through that chastening. Chastening though painful is good -“The LORD disciplines those He loves”. Chastening though painful accomplishes much- “It is good for me that I was afflicted, that I may learn Thy statutes.” All my trials have had and all my trials will have a Divine purpose. “When we are chastened, we must pray to be taught, and look into the law as the best expositor of providence” (Matthew Henry).

So often my parent’s actions have been used to sanctify me. Many times through the years I have been forced to search my own soul regarding my relationship with them to see if there are any wicked ways in me. Sometimes there have been, sometimes there have not, but every time there have been spiritual lessons to learn.

In Psalm 94 the Psalmist goes on to speak of the relief that God grants in the midst of adversity. I have, over the past month particularly, felt the heavy weight of adversity. I have been abandoned by my earthly parents. But, God is a Father to the fatherless and here in Psalm 94 He so clearly has reminded me that He “will not abandon His people, nor will He forsake His inheritance.”

While I have no earthly family preceding me and no earthly inheritance coming my way from them, I do have a faithful God Who will never leave me nor forsake me. I am His people and I am His inheritance. I am His inheritance and in Him I have an inheritance. 1 Peter points out that His is an inheritance that is “imperishable and undefiled and will not fade away, reserved in heaven for you.”

I may be abandoned by everyone and everything in this world but I will NEVER be abandoned by my God. “Though we may be cast down, we will never be cast off! Whatever my friends and family do, God will not cast me off nor throw me out of His covenant or care.” (Henry)

The relevant beauty of these Words from my Father are a relief to me in the midst of this current adversity. Ages ago when He had these words penned He knew that I would need them at the beginning of 2009. What a timely Word! What an amazing Word! May I tremble at His Word this day, this year, and always!!

Securely positioned in my Father's family,

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