Thursday, January 22, 2009

Tall Trees and The Tender Shoot - Isaiah 11

“Then a root will spring from the stem of Jesse…” (vs 1)

You know, I’ve always known that this was one of the names of Christ but it was not until this morning that it hit me just how descriptive and meaningful that title really is. Christ as the “Son of David” is described in His kingly splendor and exaltation. He is our King and He subdues us and our enemies. Christ as the “Son of Jesse” is seen much more in His amazing humility. Henry says: “Jesse lived and died in meanness and obscurity.” Christ, in His humiliation on our behalf lived and died in even greater meanness and obscurity. “He was in the world, and the world was made through Him, and the world did not know Him. He came to His own, and those who were His own did not receive Him.” (Jn 1:10-11)

In the immediately preceding verses the army of Assyria was said to appear as tall trees and lofty forests. Christ, the “Son of Jesse” came as a “tender shoot” which was watered perfectly and fully with the dew of the Holy Spirit who rested upon Him. This tender shoot was, is and shall always be victorious over the seemingly towering forests of His church’s enemies. We need to remember that when the forest makes us fearful.

Thankful for the shelter of the Tender Shoot,


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