Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Remedy for Sinful Fear - Isaiah 8

“It is the LORD of hosts whom you should regard as holy. And He shall be your fear, and He shall be your dread. Then He shall become a sanctuary.” (13-14)

There were MANY outward things to make Israel fearful. God has promised that Assyria’s army would come upon them as a mighty flood (vs7). There is much to be afraid of. Yet, they are cautioned against sinful fear and told to set their minds and hearts on godly fear. “The believing fear of God is a special preservative against the disquieting fear of man.” (Matthew Henry)

Here is the solution for ungodly fear. Fear NOT man, nor what he can do to you. Fear God!
If we fear God then “He shall become a sanctuary” for us. “Make Him your fear and you shall find Him your hope, your help, your defense, and your mighty deliverer. He will be your sanctuary to which you may flee for safety and where you shall not need to fear any evil.” (Henry)

God, grant me the wisdom to fear You and as a result to be strong and courageous in this world! AMEN
In faithful fear,

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