Thursday, December 9, 2010

Introductory Comments on A Book About Jesus

"The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, 
the Son of God..."
(Mark 1:1)

Recently I have found myself with a deeper need to dig into Jesus. (Honestly, God has sort of providentially backed me into the corner of deeper need! OK, so that's a vast understatement.)

In the past month I have truly begun to ask, "Who is this Savior of sinners and do I REALLY know Him or do I just know a decent bit about Him?" In striving to answer the question and answer it well, I found myself drifting to the gospel of Mark. There's a reason for that.

First, Mark is one of the four gospel accounts of the life of Jesus. Seems like one of the four historical gospel books would be a good place for me to start.

Second, Mark is, at least from my readings, a rather unique gospel account. Mark deals not as much with what Jesus says as with what He does - though both are there. Here, my attention is focused more on the works of Jesus though still holding forth the words of Jesus. Here, I am made to gaze upon the Person of Christ - the living, breathing, walking, and working God with us - Jesus!

Mark is not, like Matthew, a book meant to convince us that Jesus is the Messiah promised in the Old Testament. It is not, like John, written to primarily convince us of deep doctrinal truths about Him - though again they are there. To me, Mark seems to be Jesus for the average Joe - and there's a lot of average Joe in me.

Over a month ago I really began to dig into this book and I have not been disappointed in my excavation. I have asked God to introduce me to Jesus, my Savior, through these pages as I have never known Him and I must tell you, I think I am beginning to see Him more clearly than ever before. For years I have viewed Him much more as "Christ" - the theoretical office bearer who died for the sins of the world. Now, I am truly beginning to see Him - through this book - as "Jesus" the Lamb of God who came to take away the sins of Lori.

It is my prayer that as I share some of my personal notes and private lessons learned from Mark's gospel, which is described as "the beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God," that anyone who happens to pop onto the pages of this blog will catch a glimpse of the beauty of Jesus Christ as well.

How thankful I am for the Word of God which points us so poignantly to the Christ of God. Oh to love Jesus more and more - that is my heart's cry. May it be yours as well!

In His glorious grace,

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